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Headroom is written in Haskell, you can either use pre-built binaries, or build in on your own from source code.

Using Homebrew

If you use macOS, you can install Headroom easily from Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew install norcane/tools/headroom

Using Pre-built Binaries

Pre-built binaries (x64) are available for GNU/Linux and macOS and can be downloaded for selected release from releases page.

From Source Code

Headroom is written in Haskell, so you can install it from source code either using Cabal or Stack.

Using Cabal

  1. install Cabal for your platform
  2. run cabal install headroom
  3. add $HOME/.cabal/bin to your $PATH

Using Stack

  1. install Stack for your platform
  2. clone this repository
  3. run stack install in the project directory
  4. add $HOME/.local/bin to your $PATH